When Dental Implants are Right for You

Just beginning to navigate the restorative dentistry waters? Then you’ve probably heard something about dental implants, and you’re likely intrigued by the prospect. Implants are pretty exciting – any dental work that becomes one with your natural bone is a huge aid in the restorative process – but they’re not quite right for every patient. […]

Simple Secrets to Whiter Teeth

Whiter teeth are within your grasp! If you’ve been feeling less than confident about the appearance of your smile, it’s time to take action. Whitening accomplishes big changes in a short amount of time, and with simple procedures. Patients initially seeking more complex procedures can actually find that whitening fulfills their cosmetic desires. Will whitening satisfy […]

Botox Treatment: Fact vs Myth

Do you have your Botox facts straight? Since Botox cosmetic was approved by the FDA in 2002, this aesthetic treatment has become incredibly popular and widespread. And it’s continuing to grow: the global Botox market is expected to reach $2.9 billion by 2018. When a medical treatment is so prominent, it’s sure to draw backlash, […]

Getting Acquainted with Your Root Canal

Root canals tend to frighten patients. But not by patients that have actually experienced them – rather, they’re often surprised by how pleasant the procedure is. Those who have not actually had root canals are usually the ones terrified by the prospect. This is because of the misinformation about root canals that fills our culture. […]

3D Imaging and Your Dental Treatment

As the technological world advances, so do our dental capabilities. The modern era offers us plenty of resources to enhance our dentistry, leading to the best possible care for our patients. With digital x-rays and 3D imaging, the diagnostic process is made simpler and clearer. We’re able to make treatment planning both safer and more […]

Smoothing Signs of Age

  We all age in different ways – and most of us have strong feelings about the signs of this aging process. It’s not necessary to just grin and bear them. Facial lines can be smoothed for months at a time – with repeated treatments actually reducing wrinkles for good. If you’ve never tried cosmetic […]

An Introduction to Dental Implants

If you’ve begun to think about replacing missing teeth, chances are that you’re feeling a little overwhelmed. There are so many ways to restore your smile, and it can be tough to figure out which treatment option is the best. We’re hoping to counter that feeling of restoration stress with a basic guide to dental […]

Building Your Children’s Great Oral Health

Your kids look up to you in every way. This extends to their dental care. If you show your kids that there’s nothing to fear about the dentist’s office, you could help them remain dental anxiety-free for life. Moreover, they’ll become more invested in their dental care, which will help them build strong, healthy teeth […]

Porcelain Veneers FAQ

Before diving into the world of cosmetic dentistry, it’s likely that you’ll have more than a few questions. Any specific treatment comes with special concerns, and porcelain veneers are no different. Educate yourself as to all the potential that comes along with veneers in order to make the right decision when choosing the course of […]

Breaking Free of TMJ Pain

When you’re experiencing jaw, dental, or facial pain, it often becomes all you can think about. After all, you feel a twinge every time you speak, smile, chew, or emote in any way – how could that not affect you mentally and emotionally? Jaw pain doesn’t need to become a daily burden. Prevent it from […]