Hidden Dangers for Kids’ Teeth

Pacifiers soothe toddlers, but are they causing irreparable tooth damage? It’s hard being a parent – there’s so much to worry about, so much to remember, and so much to anticipate. When it comes to your child’s dental health, we’re here to help simplify things. By staying vigilant, you can help prevent your kids’ developing […]

Getting the Most Out of Your Dental Care

Scheduling regular dental exams is just part of the battle – you can engage with your care to see a boost in health and happiness  How do you become cavity-free? Even better, how do you actually enjoy the time you spend at the dentist’s office? It’s all possible – and it starts with some minor adjustments […]

Boosting Your Confidence at the Dentist’s

How is your confidence doing? While we all want to feel great on a daily basis, sometimes our self esteem can suffer – and keep us from achieving the kind of success we really want. While the exterior isn’t everything, it dictates much of our personal feelings about self worth. If your smile isn’t in […]

Is Stress Damaging Your Smile (and Your Oral Health)?

We all experience some level of anxiety – but certain periods get us sweating more than others. If you’re dealing with heightened stress, it’s important that you remember to care for your teeth. The muscle movements that stem from high stress can lead to big problems for your teeth, and your jaws. With this blog […]

Giving Your Smile a Longer Life

Our smiles are so important. We use them to express ourselves, communicate, and represent who we truly are – all at a glance. But the passing of time can lead to damaged teeth and less-impressive grins. The combination of physical trauma, aging dental work, and the sinister effects of the passing years lead to a […]

Top Oral Hygiene Tips for A Cavity-Free Smile

What’s your personal oral hygiene regimen? For many of us, brushing and flossing habits are just things we pick up over time – and they’re not practices that we really think about or revisit. But taking a closer look at the way you approach your oral care could end up making a difference to your […]

When Your Diet Could Be Damaging Your Teeth

The word “healthy” is a surprisingly problematic one. What’s healthy for one person could harm another, and vice versa. And with the help of the Internet, anyone can be a health “expert,” spreading all kinds of recommendations across the Web. How do you know what’s really right for you? If you’ve chosen to engage in […]

6 Ways Dental Implants are More Thrilling Than You Think

If you’ve spent any amount of time missing permanent teeth, you know what a hassle life can be without a full smile in place. It’s tougher to eat, speak, and perform oral hygiene. Your bite feels uncomfortable and displaced. And you’re ashamed to show off your grin to those around you. These problems magnify and lead […]

Reluctant To Smile? Cosmetic Dentistry Will Help

Be honest: how comfortable are you showing your smile? With or without realizing it, you may be covering up your pearly whites. And every time you do so, you rob yourself of the benefits that a big smile can offer. Anxiety about one’s appearance is incredibly common, and your teeth are top offenders. We sometimes […]

How to Avoid Pregnancy Gingivitis

Pregnancy is a stressful, wonderful, and busy time. It’s tough to just get enough rest, let alone tend to minute aspects of your health. But your mouth is one area that you shouldn’t neglect during this exciting time. During pregnancy, your gums are at a higher risk of developing gingivitis, or inflamed gums. It may […]