What Teeth Whitening Patients Need to Know

You deserve to be an informed patient. The better you understand your dental care, the more engaged you will be and the end result is typically improved oral health. If you’re considering teeth whitening but are unsure about treatment, we’re here to help. You deserve a bright smile that makes you feel confident and in […]

10 Ways Oral Health Changes As We Age

Aging does not mean tooth loss. While dentures may have once felt inevitable, we’ve made incredible strides in dental care, both at home and in the office. With the proper preventive care, you can keep your smile in place for life. But you need the support of the knowledge and tools that will allow you […]

The Ultimate Toothpaste Guide

Feel like your toothpaste has been letting you down? You may not be using the best type for your teeth. But potential paste problems don’t stop there. Effective brushing means a synthesis of the right products and the right techniques. Don’t worry – this is less complicated than it sounds. If you’re ready to take […]

Having a Dental Emergency? Here’s What to Do Next

When you notice a piece missing from a tooth, the first impulse can be total panic. We want to do everything possible to suppress this impulse. By reading up on dental emergencies before one actually takes hold, you’ll be prepared for the worst (although that hopefully won’t be the case). Depending on your dental problem, […]

How to Get Fresh Breath at Home

When was the last time you were happy with the way your breath smelled? If it feels like an uphill battle trying to freshen up, it might be time to look for some outside help. While dragon breath can feel embarrassing, it’s much more common than you might expect.  After all, we all wake up […]

How Cavities Form – And How to Stop Them

How do you make sure tooth decay doesn’t impact your life? By learning its secrets. This is surprisingly simple – cavities are more predictable than you might think. While there are always exceptions, for those with certain conditions that may heighten their risk of decay, the majority of the population can prevent decay on their […]

The Causes of Dental Anxiety May Surprise You

Your dental anxiety is unique, and caused by a group of historical and personal factors. But research is starting to uncover additional clues to universal fear triggers in the dentist’s office. If you’re uncomfortable around a dental drill, you’re not alone – sights and sounds of dental treatment actually stimulate brain activity in the areas […]

What Happens When You Skip Brushing

What’s growing on your teeth while you sleep? Brush before bed to stop plaque! We’re supposed to brush at least twice a day – but that’s a guideline that sometimes goes unfollowed. If you find yourself skipping brushing, especially at night before bed, it’s time to break the bad habit. We know how tough it […]