Everything You Need to Know About Plaque and Tartar
We have all heard about plaque and tarter. Is it natural? Yes. Healthy? No. While plaque and sometimes tartar are two common dental concerns that almost everyone encounters, neglecting build-up...
With Easter quickly approaching, you may already be reliving previous years of celebrating with sugar highs, rationing piles of candy, and the inevitable tantrum from a little too much excitement. Rethink your approach to Easter, because egg-hunts don’t have to include candy to be fun!
Whether your kids are just old enough to say “bunny” or are too cool to admit that they’re still hoping for a basket of their own on Easter morning, this guideline will help! Swap the sugary treats for these sugar-free Easter egg hunt ideas for everyone regardless of their age.
When it comes to toddlers, almost anything new is sure to be a total hit. Loading your preschooler up on sugar is likely the last thing you want to do, so fill their Easter with other types of fun. Your toddler is probably going to be pretty happy with just searching for colorful eggs that are completely empty, but if you want to take things to another level, these creative alternatives are sure to do the trick.
For toddlers, we recommend stuffing their eggs with:
Grade school kids are at the perfect age for enjoying everything Easter has to offer. Turn the traditional Easter egg hunt into a scavenger hunt by including clues of where to look for colorful eggs, and other treasures.
For younger children, we recommend stuffing their eggs with:
They likely won’t admit it, but pre-teens still love getting Easter goodies and participating in celebratory activities. Consider turning your scavenger hunt for older kids into a night-time hunt. Hand each pre-teen a flashlight to find the hidden eggs in your backyard. Coat plastic eggs with black-light paint from glow sticks for an egg-hunt your cool kid is sure to enjoy.
Take your pre-teens egg hunt to the next level by including items like:
Easter is fun for kids of all ages, even for teens and young adults! For the older kids in your family, purchase movie tickets or gift cards to clothing stores to go inside of your eggs. You can also fill their basket with bath products, make-up, or everyday items that could use a refresh. Does your child love to read? Buy comic books or the latest fiction novel! A basket stacked with sugar-free solutions will leave everyone happy!
Reduce the amount of candy by mixing in healthier alternatives in addition to your sweet treats. Items like graham crackers, cheddar bunnies, applesauce pouches, and other sugar-free treats are sure to be just as much of a hit as the sugar-filled snacks.
Our favorite candy alternatives include:
Still looking for some Easter inspiration? Why not have the Easter bunny drop off a family basket that is filled with items to promote excellent oral health for everyone. Fill the basket with toothbrushes, new toothpaste, dental floss, mouthwash, and appointment cards for teeth cleanings with Dr. Aubrey Baudean DDS! Call today to schedule your post-celebratory appointments.
Do you have any other candy-free filler ideas you’d like to share? We would love to hear them at your next cleaning and exam.