Close up of hands holding modern dentures.

Denture problems can be a significant source of discomfort and embarrassment. Unfortunately, they are not uncommon, and many denture patients deal with such dental challenges daily. If you are one of them, know that you are not alone, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with denture discomfort. The good news? Most denture problems are fixable.

Common Denture Problems and Their Causes

Let’s take a look at some of the most common denture problems patients have. Many of these can go hand in hand, which can lead to even more discomfort.

Uncomfortable Fit

The biggest and most common issue with dentures is improper fit. Over time, the shape of your mouth can change. Especially if you had teeth removed to make way for your denture and your gums and jaw were healing. It can also occur due to normal structural changes over time.

In either case, this often leads to dentures that don’t fit as well as they once did, causing discomfort and making it challenging to eat or speak confidently.

Sores and Infections

Ill-fitting dentures, or ones that aren’t cleaned properly, can result in painful sores, inflammation, or even infections. Continuous irritation can lead to more severe dental issues if not addressed.

Difficulty Eating and Speaking

Dentures that don’t sit right can make it tough to eat certain foods, especially those that are hard or sticky. They can also create speech issues, leading to muffled or unclear pronunciations.

Long-Term Implications

Ill-fitting dentures aren’t just uncomfortable; they carry long-term health risks. Such dentures can also cause bone resorption in the jaw, changing facial structure and giving a sunken appearance. Furthermore, they can hinder proper chewing, leading to digestive issues and a reduced intake of necessary nutrients. The trapped food particles in the spaces of loose dentures can also increase the risk of gum disease and other oral infections like thrush.

How Your Dentist Can Help

  • Regular Check-ups: Regular dental visits are crucial when you wear dentures. Your dentist can ensure that your dentures continue to fit correctly, adjust them if necessary, and check for any signs of oral problems.
  • Cleaning: Make sure you are cleaning your dentures properly every day. Follow your dentist’s cleaning, soaking,  and wear instructions. Over time, dentures can accumulate bacteria, plaque, and tartar, much like natural teeth. A professional cleaning can help maintain their condition and longevity.
  • Refitting: If your dentures become loose, your dentist can refit them, providing a more comfortable and secure fit.

Dental Implants: A Reliable Alternative

Dental implants have emerged as a popular alternative to traditional dentures. These are surgically anchored into the jawbone, providing a stable foundation for replacement teeth. Here’s why some people are choosing this route:

  • Durability: Once dental implants integrate with your bone, they’re as strong and stable as your natural teeth, giving you the confidence to speak, eat, and smile without worry.
  • Better Oral Health: Unlike dentures that rest on the gum line, dental implants promote healthy bone and prevent bone loss. They also don’t require any adhesives, reducing the risk of sores and irritation.
  • Long-Term: With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime. This permanence can be appealing to those who want to avoid the periodic adjustments and replacements associated with traditional dentures.
  • Comfort and Aesthetics: Dental implants feel and look more like natural teeth. Many individuals find them to be more comfortable than dentures, with the added benefit of enhancing their appearance.

It’s Time for Comfortable Dentures

Life is too short to spend it adjusting, readjusting, and worrying about dentures that don’t feel right. If your dentures are uncomfortable for any reason, reach out for an appointment right away. We are happy to make sure your dentures fit properly. Or, if you are ready to consider dental implants, we can answer your questions and determine whether you are a good candidate.