Types of Oral Cancers Your Dentist Screens For
When you go in for a routine dental check-up, you’re usually thinking about clean teeth, gum health, or perhaps a possible cavity. But did you know your dentist is also...
As the leaves begin to change and temperatures begin to drop, your kids start to spend a lot more of their time indoors. Keep your kids entertained and engaged by making one of these fun craft projects that also promote dental hygiene in a fun way.
Has the tooth fairy made her first visit to your house yet? Whether she has or not, it’s never too late to make a special Tooth Fairy box to make things a little easier for her. After all, finding a teeny-tiny baby tooth under a child’s pillow in the middle of the night is no easy feat.
Step 1: Peel off any stickers or decals on your dental floss container.
Step 2: Use a craft knife or something similar to pop out the internal dental floss mechanism. It should come out easily.
Pro Tip: If the floss container isn’t empty yet, set aside the floss for future use. Your teeth and gums will thank you later!
Step 3: Take your empty floss container outside and give the entire box a good coat of spray primer. The primer will help make the spray paint stick to the box without peeling off, so we recommend not skipping this step!
Pro Tip: Make sure your primer is appropriate for plastic.
Step 4: Once the primer is dry, spray on several thin and even coats of gold spray paint. Don’t forget to open the lid to paint the inside of the box too.
Step 5: Lay the box out to dry completely.
Step 6: Using a paint pen, apply lettering to the box with the wording “tooth fairy box.” Channel your inner artist and draw a little tooth logo on the box too if you’re feeling artistic at this point.
Step 7: Once the box is finished, put the lost tooth inside and wait for the tooth fairy to arrive. As an added bonus, the tooth fairy will probably feel this is the perfect place also to leave her money!
Make a beautiful necklace, bracelet, or anklet with your kids using an assorted mix of pasta and dental floss with this fun craft idea.
Step 1: Pour rubbing alcohol into each bowl, and add drops of food coloring into the liquid until it reaches the desired shade.
Step 2: Place the pasta into the dye solution. After it has reached its desired color, allow the pasta to dry completely on a paper towel.
Step 3: Have your kids place the dry pasta into clean bowls, separating and organizing them by color and shape for an additional sensory step.
Step 4: Once separated, measure off the appropriate length of dental floss, and allow your kids to begin stringing the pasta onto the dental floss.
Step 5: When completed, securely tie together the ends of floss.
Create a unique and colorful painting in a fun new way by using dental floss. Use the materials below to create an art gallery-worthy masterpiece.
Step 1: Partially fill your container with tempera paint.
Step 2: Dip the dental floss into the paint.
Step 3: Lay the dental floss over one half of the paper, leaving one end of the floss hanging outside the paper.
Step 4: Fold the other half of the paper over the floss.
Step 5: Hold the paper closed with one hand, while slowly pulling the floss out of the folded paper with the other hand.
Step 6: Unfold the paper to see the design the floss created.
Step 7: Repeat steps 1-6 until you are happy with your masterpiece.
Pro Tip: Give depth and layers to your artwork by repeating steps 1-6 with different paint colors.
Keep your kids engaged over their oral health with fun craft projects. Bring your craft project with you to your next dental exam with Dr. Aubrey Baudean DDS so we can see the results!